Scorers and Results

Dear Official scorers,


before You go to the stadium, for scoring the game, please check game number, home and visiting team at Official schedule, and team rosters at web page


Please, use CEB (IBAF) scoring system.

After the game:

  • be helpful to the home team for reporting game result

All the home teams must send game score 15 minutes after the game was played, on commissioner mobile phone ++385 91 646-0007, by voice or by SMS.

(Interleague rule V. 4.)

  • be helpful to the home team for sending game Scoresheets or Game data

The home team must send game report and statistic sheet, for the games played last weekend, to the commissioner’s office no later than Wednesday at midnight…

(Interleague rule V. 2.)

Please, if possible, send Scoresheets or Game data as soon as possible.


How to send Scoresheets: scan with 300 DPI in color, send in JPG or PDF format to the addresses or statistics

and or commissioner’s office.


How to send Game data: some of teams using software for scoring and may do no scoresheets. We will keep statistics also from these games, so, please send data to the same adresses as for Scoresheets. Sample data are on the next page.



EIB Team